12 transformations of Mozart\'s K.355 minuet / Gérard Pesson

In the wake of George Perec’s formal linguistic game, French composer Gérard Pesson reinvents a piano minuet written by Mozart in July 1789. He offers 12 transformations of this piece, presenting Mozart’s work in perspective with his own relationship to music history ; thus enabling the listener to enter his working cabinet and discover its secrets, tools and techniques.
Ensemble Cairn furthers its long-term companionship with the composer Gérard Pesson with this playful and inventive concert. Side by side on scene with the musicians, the composer unravels the methods and formulas that helped him rewrite this Mozart minuet. He unveils its meaning, historical stakes and esthetics.
1/ Original minuet of the K.355 sonata - W.A. Mozart
for piano
2/ Original minuet of the K.355 sonata - W.A. Mozart
for the flute, clarinette, guitare, percussions and string trio
3/ Glissé : Gérard Pesson
for clarinette and string trio
4/ A la manière de Mompou : Gérard Pesson
for the piano
5/ A la manière de Messiaen : Gérard Pesson
for the flute, clarinette, string trio
Messiaen : Extract of the Quartett for the End of Time - "Liturgie de cristal"
6/ Valse tyrolienne : Gérard Pesson
for string trio
7/ Crible : Gérard Pesson
for the flute, clarinette, viola, cello, guitare
8/ Sur 4 notes : Gérard Pesson
for the flute, clarinette, guitare, percussions, string trio
9/ A la manière de Schumann : Gérard Pesson
piano solo
Schumann : extract from the Märchenbilder
10/ Hoquet et notes répétées : Gérard Pesson
for the flute, clarinette, violin, cello and guitare
11/ Dead of night (for film music) : Gérard Pesson
for the flute, clarinette, piano and string trio
12/ Opusdysdeuvébairne und Mozart ist aunch dabei
for the flute, clarinette, violin, cello and guitare
13/ Duo 1-Compact : Gérard Pesson
for violin and viola

where 73ème festival international de Musique de Besançon, Scène Nationale de Besançon, Les 2 Scènes, Théâtre Ledoux
where Opéra de Lille
infos Opéra de Lille
others dates
where Scène nationale d'Orléans
infos Théâtre d'Orléans